Live hungry. Sleep fucked. Die trying.

Blog Post

Fantasycon 2018

  • By Hal Duncan
  • 11 Sep, 2018

20th-22nd October 2018

I'll be at Fantasycon 2018, possibly giving a reading. Check in here for updates once the programme is confirmed.
By Hal Duncan 04 Oct, 2018
So the limited edition of A Scruffian Funferal is now up for preorder over at my Bandcamp site. The books are on order from the printer already, cause I'm aiming to get as many of the pre-orders as I can in the post before the actual release on 21st October, in the hope of getting them to customers  for Halloween. Even if they don't arrive by the 31st though, the audio and ebook (mobi and/or epub) are available for immediate download as soon as you order, so you could well be reading all about how Nuffinmuch O'Anyfink bought his soul from the Devil, or how Squirlet Nicely learnt her Mad Skillz at hiding this very day .

For those not so keen to spend £25 plus ouchy postage on the fancy dan collectible, those who just want the stories, I'll be posting a paperback preorder page too, and the ebook has been put up for preorder on Amazon, Draft2Digital and Smashwords, so it should be propagating as we speak out to iBooks and Kobo and suchlike. I'll wait until everything's ready and post details of where exactly you can pre-order those.

In the meantime, if you're reading this and wondering what the fuck I'm on about, A Scruffian Primer, the first ebook in the series is your place to learn and it's free right now for you to grab on your choice of epub or mobi. The ebook is missing "The Taking of the Stamp" that you get in print and audio editions ( over at Bandcamp again ,) but it should give you a sense of what's what, and if it whets yer appetite, the other earlier chapbooks are all on offer through October.


By Alasdair Duncan 04 Oct, 2018
As you'll see from the recently posted Fantasycon Programme, I shall be reading in a late night slot starting at 22.00 on the Friday of the con. I'm guessing it'll be a fifteen minute slot, so probably a snippet from The Land of Somewhere Safe.

The 21st being my birthday, I'm declaring that the official launch date for A Scruffian Funferal, so when Saturday hits midnight, depending on how things are going and how doable it looks and whether folk are actually interested, I might declare some sort of room party thing as a halfways impromptu late night launch event. We'll see. If nothing else, I'll be getting pissed at the bar to celebrate. Come join me.
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